

原唱是Ed Sheeran


我一直不了解The A Team是什麼意思








貼個連結~Ed Sheeran ver.   、 Birdy ver.

White lips, pale face 蒼白的唇,蒼白的臉龐
Breathing in snowflakes 在雪花中呼吸
Burnt lungs, sour taste 灼熱的肺部、酸味
Light's gone, day's end 太陽西沉,一日將盡
Struggling to pay rent 想盡辦法支付房租
Long nights, strange men 長長的夜晚,陌生的男人

And they say 他們說
She's in the Class A Team 她有著出眾的容貌
Stuck in her daydream 總是做著白日夢
Been this way since eighteen 自18歲起便是如此
But lately her face seems 但在最近
Slowly sinking, wasting 她的臉似乎漸漸黯沉
Crumbling like pastries 像麵皮般癱墜
And they scream 他們尖叫
The worst things in life come free to us 最糟糕的事情像我們襲來
Cause we're just under the upper hand 因為我們過著乞討的生活(看一下Ed Sheeran的MV
And go mad for a couple grams 為了幾克的麵粉而賣力
And she don't want to go outside tonight 她今晚不想外出
 And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland 她像隨著菸斗冒出的煙霧飛向故鄉(這煙是吸毒飄來的煙......
Or sells love to another man 亦或是向另一個男人出售她的愛情
It's too cold outside 外頭真的太冷了
For angels to fly 天使無法飛翔
Angels to fly 

Ripped gloves, raincoat 脫去手套和雨衣
Tried to swim and stay afloat 試著去游泳、漂浮
Dry house, wet clothes 乾燥的室內、濕淋淋的衣物
Loose change, bank notes 零錢、存摺
Weary-eyed, dry throat 疲憊的眼、乾澀的喉嚨
Call girl, no phone 應召女郎沒有接到電話

 And they say 他們說
She's in the Class A Team 她有著出眾的容貌
Stuck in her daydream 總是做著白日夢
Been this way since eighteen 自18歲起便是如此
But lately her face seems 但在最近
Slowly sinking, wasting 她的臉似乎漸漸黯沉
Crumbling like pastries 像麵皮般癱墜
And they scream 他們尖叫
The worst things in life come free to us 最糟糕的事情像我們襲來
 Cause we're just under the upper hand 因為我們過著乞討的生活
And go mad for a couple grams 為了幾克的麵粉而賣力
And she don't want to go outside tonight 她今晚不想外出
 And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland 她像隨著菸斗冒出的煙霧飛向故鄉
Or sells love to another man 亦或是向另一個男人出售她的愛情
It's too cold outside 外頭真的太冷了
For angels to fly 天使無法飛翔
An angel will die 天太冷了,天使會死去
Covered in white 被雪所覆蓋
Closed eye 閉上眼
And hoping for a better life 祈禱一個更好的生活
This time, we'll fade out tonight 這次,我們將在今晚淡出
Straight down the line 筆直的墜落

 And they say 他們說
She's in the Class A Team 她有著出眾的容貌
Stuck in her daydream 總是做著白日夢
Been this way since eighteen 自18歲起便是如此
But lately her face seems 但在最近
Slowly sinking, wasting 她的臉似乎漸漸黯沉
Crumbling like pastries 像麵皮般癱墜
And they scream 他們尖叫
The worst things in life come free to us 最糟糕的事情像我們襲來
Cause we're just under the upper hand 因為我們過著乞討的生活(看一下Ed Sheeran的MV
And go mad for a couple grams 為了幾克的麵粉而賣力
And she don't want to go outside tonight 她今晚不想外出
 And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland 她像隨著菸斗冒出的煙霧飛向故鄉
Or sells love to another man 亦或是向另一個男人出售她的愛情
It's too cold outside 外頭真的太冷了
 For angels to fly 天使無法飛翔

Angels to fly
To fly, fly
For angels to fly, to fly, to fly
Or angels to die

    創作者 ooo000o0o0o 的頭像


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